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Echoes from Lebanon

in memory of all the victims of August 4th, 2020 explosion in Beirut, Léa Nasnas Chami is honored to be featured in ‘Echoes from Lebanon’, an online exhibition organized by I Have Learned Academy in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Beirut on artsandpolitics.me

Blast, Blood and Sorrow - Léa Nasnas Chami 2021 -  acrylic knife painting

Blast, Blood and Sorrow - Léa Nasnas Chami 2021 - acrylic knife painting

Kintsugi - reconstructing Lebanon for a brighter future - Léa Nasnas Chami 2021 - acrylic and 18 carat gold leaf painting

Kintsugi - reconstructing Lebanon for a brighter future - Léa Nasnas Chami 2021 - acrylic and 18 carat gold leaf painting